My dear goddaughter turned three in July, and somehow I found myself starting her birthday present... yesterday. D'oh, but perhaps this will cheer up some gray autumn day of hers (dunno if children aged less than ten ever get truly excited about getting clothes?). The yarn is some light green Mandarin Fiesta by Sandnesgarn. I knitted and frogged a top from it in winter. This cardi seems to be more lucky so far. The pattern is my own and boring, 'cos I suppose 4 skeins aren't enough for anything more exciting. We'll just compensate that with some cute buttons :)
Muillakin keskeneräisillä menee ihan hyvin. Palmikkotakilla on jo vartalo ja yksi hiha ja säärystinten kanssa oli lähikontaktia eilen ekaan kertaan kuukauteen. Vihreä huivi kärsii huomiovajeesta, mut eihän kaikkea voi tehdä yhtä aikaa, eikä todellakaan esim. tehdä valmiiks asti ennen uusien töiden aloittamista.
My wips are doing pretty well. The Cabled Cardi already has the body part and one sleeve and I had a close contact with the leg cozies yesterday. Which is cool, last time we did any progress was more than a month ago. My green scarf suffers from lack of attention, though, but hey, you can't do everything at the same time, and you definitely can't finish things before starting new things, huh?
Viime viikolla syntyi tällaiset kirjoituksiin lukemisen välttelylapaset. Noron ostin toissa viikonloppuna asumismessuilta, koska olin täysin valmistautumaton kohtaamaan ja vastustamaan lankaa siellä.
Last week I knitted these mittens in order to avoid studying for the final exams in Swedish language. Had to buy the Noro a couple weeks ago at a fair, since I was just totally unprepared to meet (and resist) any yarn there :D
lanka / yarn: Noro Kureyon, 45 g
puikot / needles: knit picks 5 mm / 80 cm (magic loop)
ohje / pattern: trad., 48 silmukkaa / sts
kenelle / for whom: mulle / for me
käyttötarkoitus / use: talvella, epäilen että nää huopuu jos pyöräilen, yhdet alpakkalapaset on jo kokeneet kyseisen kohtalon o_O / in winter, as i think they'll get felted if worn while cycling, already destroyed a pair of alpaca mittens that way o_O
kenelle / for whom: mulle / for me
käyttötarkoitus / use: talvella, epäilen että nää huopuu jos pyöräilen, yhdet alpakkalapaset on jo kokeneet kyseisen kohtalon o_O / in winter, as i think they'll get felted if worn while cycling, already destroyed a pair of alpaca mittens that way o_O
fiilis / judgment: love